So I got around to taking a stab at soldering one of the red LED’s to the board last night. Soldering is just as difficult as I remember it being, I really need to take that TechShop class on it, or just get more practice. I got the board set up on my ‘vette and rested the wires on the battery terminals and observed the LED’s for a bit.
I have to say, I’m going to have to reconsider how many LED’s I’m going to use, because holy moly that one LED was bright! I was actually seeing spots in my vision if I looked at it for too long! As you can see in the photos below, I placed the tail light lens over the LED and it quite efficiently lit the whole housing. I may switch from 15+ LED’s for just the brake light down to a more sensible number like… 5? I really don’t want to be driving the car, hit the brakes, get hit, and when they’re asked why they hit me have the response be “Because I couldn’t see!”
Over the weekend I plan on doing a test soldering / lighting of single orange and white LEDs to the board to take a look at them as well, I’ll upload picts if I get a chance to do this.
In other news, I’ve added links in Outside Connections for another parts supplier and to the Replica DB4 Project. If you haven’t heard about the latter, I highly recommend you check it out!
Also, something I came across a short while ago and forgot to share up here is a YouTube video by Driven checking out the Morgan factory. It’s a good watch and really gives a impressive look over what Morgan’s been up to.
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